Bruce E. Baker


Essential Skills for Historians

Essential Skills for Historians:
A Practical Guide to Researching the Past (2019)


Eli Hill

Eli Hill: A Novel of Reconstruction
by Katharine Du Pre Lumpkin (2020)



The Scoundrels, Shysters, and Confidence Men
of Nineteenth-Century Southern Capitalism (2021)


Remembering Reconstruction

Remembering Reconstruction: Struggles Over the Meaning of America's Most Tumultuous Era (2017)


The Cotton Kings

The Cotton Kings:
Capitalism and Corruption in Turn-of-the-Century
New York and New Orleans (2015)


South at Work

The South at Work:
Observations from 1904 (2014)


After Slavery

After Slavery:
Race, Labor, and Citizenship in the Reconstruction South (2013)


This Mob Will Surely Take My Life

This Mob Will Surely Take My Life:
Lynchings in the Carolinas, 1871-1947 (2008)


What Reconstruction Meant

What Reconstruction Meant: Historical Memory
in the American South (2007)

Page revision date: 8-Jan-2020